Conference Schedule

Despite equal numbers of women professionals entering medicine and the biopharma workforce, there remains a significant difference in the way men and women are perceived and treated within our organizational cultures. Transcending numerical parity and creating environments conducive to women’s advancement will require mitigating implicit cultural assumptions facing women who lead and correcting practices and patterns of interactions in the workplace that inadvertently benefit men and disadvantage women. This session will discuss the concept of second-generation gender bias, how biases converge in the workplace to hinder women’s success, and strategies to disrupt prescriptive norms in our organizations so that the talents of a gender-diverse workforce can freely emerge.

Working in pharma is fulfilling as we work to save and improve people’s lives. It can also be overwhelming as women balance their personal and professional responsibilities or decide between different career paths. Our keynote speaker will discuss “lessons learned” during her successful 20 year career in the pharmaceutical industry, including working in different divisions, US and global roles, and doing a job share when her children were young. The lessons learned will be broadly applicable whether you are just beginning your career or pivoting your role.

Many of us respond to rising demands in the workplace by putting in longer hours, which inevitably take a toll on us physically, mentally, and emotionally. This can often lead to declining levels of engagement, distraction, high turnover, and soaring medical costs among employees. This session will dive into performance psychology, exercise physiology, nutrition, and behavior change to help those working in high-stress environments to achieve and sustain optimal levels of performance.

Hear personal stories about successfully making the transition from a research scientist to a corporate professional and how to stay relevant in drug development while expanding your career and long term marketability.

It may be 2020, but the gender gap and glass ceiling are still problematic. While more women are in leadership positions than ever before, we’re still underrepresented which is surprising in a field that is heavily dominated by women. This panel of distinguished of women will share their stories of advancement, advice and answer questions from rising leaders furthering in their careers.

On July 11, 2001, Michael had his last bad day. At thirty-three, his career and life seemed perfect and then it all changed. Michael will share his inspirational near-death story and how it helped him to put his health back into his healthcare career. You will discover how to create a better life and career through G.R.A.C.E.

A high rate of women are leaving their positions due to the challenges of balancing career and personal life. After suffering her own breaking point, Colleen Hauk transformed her circumstances and developed successful methods for living an exceptionally holistic life. She uses her experience, research and proven strategies to empower high-performers to learn how to live the ‘and’ life – have a powerful career with an extraordinary personal life.


    In the course of your career and your life as a whole, there will be numerous opportunities, changes and challenges layered on top of an ever-evolving environment. Beth will be sharing some insights from her adventures in life sciences with the intention of providing advice and stimulating thought about how we might advance our careers.

    In today’s world women are making great strides in advancing in levels of leadership. However, there is still more to be done as we encounter common barriers to successfully attaining our goals. This presentation will examine some of those common barriers that face women in STEM careers and practical steps to implement change.

    Even though women make up half of the workforce and most bachelor’s degrees in U.S. and Europe, they are still not making inroads into leadership positions. To further complicate the issue, gender-specific EQ competencies and gender culture impact the perception of men and women differently.

    Understanding the power of perception can dramatically improve your career advancement and help men and women work better together. Building on her best-selling book, The Power of Perception: Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, and the Gender Divide, Dr. Andrews will address the latest research on these topics and show you how to apply practical strategies to boost your career and maximize talent in your organization.

    Most offices today feature a multigenerational workforce, with employees ranging from Baby Boomers approaching retirement to Generation Z’ers, the latest entrants into the job market. As a manager, one of your responsibilities is to ensure that all these generations work well together. This roundtable will discuss ways that you can take advantage of your diverse workforce and use their complementary backgrounds, skills, and know-how to strengthen your team and your company.

    In today’s changing world, with its constant stress and overwhelm, we all long for balance and a sense of wellbeing. As we are buried in to-do lists and seemingly never-ending demands on our time, we forget to dream, we forget to stop and evaluate where we are, what we want and how to get there.

    Imagine your world where you feel momentum, you are moving forward, you are experiencing joy in meeting your goals. Picture yourself happy and fulfilled - developing new skills for your workplace, mastering a hobby, discovering for fun! Looks good, doesn’t it? How does one begin? How do we key into our desires, our longings, our goals? How do we then work towards fulfilling those?

    This fast-paced engaging presentation will provide three concrete ways to jump-start your goals. You will walk away with new tools to use in fulfilling your dreams and desires, whether they are personal or professional.