Conference Schedule

Medical Affairs can now successfully embrace technology, particularly digital tools like AI and machine learning, to improve patient outcomes, enhance HCP engagement, and drive consistent and measurable impact across markets

  • Harness the power of digital technologies in medical affairs
  • Highlight the challenges faced by medical affairs professionals
  • Brainstorm how to utilize digital technologies to help medical affairs team be more efficient
  • Learn how to connect the dots behind different digital channels to determine which are most effective and impactful and which are not

Medical affairs teams can gain a competitive edge through superior targeted operations improvement initiatives. Refocusing your approach on insights management technology can change how your team works and lead to a stronger role for medical affairs during product launches.

  • Outline how new technologies can help you identify and anticipate the most important milestone events
  • Establish key 'gates' for a reorganized medical affairs approach
  • Be ready for accreditation during pre-launch and launch phases

  • Prioritize tracking records of success in challenging assignments
  • Draw from cross-functional and multinational experiences
  • Harness strong patient focus and achieve an ability to engage, inspire and motivate teams
  • Partner with healthcare systems to improve efficiency and health outcomes

These silent killers, a longstanding challenge, have yet to be fully addressed by technology. They consume over 104 days of an individual's time annually, equating to a significant loss in driving patient impact. The question arises: can this new wave of AI provide solutions to mitigate these challenges?

  • Evaluate how to address operational inefficiencies in your team
  • Learn how generative AI can help address those inefficiencies
  • Uncover the common misconceptions around generative AI

Incorporating the patient voice into the medical pipeline can be challenging. However, social media forums play a large role in allowing patients to speak their minds about what they are currently struggling with. Leveraging these conversations, an AI model can transform them into credible data, bridging the gap between medical literature and the real-life experiences of patients, particularly in the realm of rare diseases. Your team should learn how this approach can be successful in changing the conversations around specific diseases, leading to positive behavioral shifts and widely accepted medical data.

  • Explore how social media forums contribute to growing the patient voice
  • Discuss how an AI engine is used to convert patient conversations into FDA accepted data
  • Learn how this data can fill the gaps in medical literature by incorporating the patient voice

As digital health solutions continue to revolutionize medical communications, creating stackable visual content has become more important than ever. Learn effective communication strategy by crafting compelling visual narratives for HCP education and investing in one core deliverable early in the product life cycle: the MOA animation. This session explores how medical animations are created and how they enrich healthcare communication initiatives with content that can later be used in modular omnichannel initiatives.

  • Understand the medical animation process
  • Review ROI metrics in healthcare innovation
  • Uncover case studies and success stories around medical animation

Even as their health care partners are becoming increasingly digitally savvy, Medical Affairs can still struggle to engage with them effectively to identify, design, and pilot protocols for products and/or technology that resonates. Before potential partners can evaluate your message, they must pay attention to it in the first place – considering their extremely packed priority lists and schedules, how can a novel project investment best catch broader interest?

  • Grasp the degree of online information oversaturation facing your audience
  • Evaluate whether your content is the best match
  • Review what has succeeded at making a good first impression – and what has failed

AI systems can rapidly synthesize findings across massive, siloed sets of structured and unstructured data. How can your medical affairs team put this new technique to the best use?

  • Discover how key insights can be detected, relationships identified, and conclusions generated to accelerate informed decision-making
  • Highlight cutting-edge AI technologies and startups that are posed to revolutionize medical affairs
  • Showcase real-world examples of AI applications that have led to improved patient outcomes, streamlined processes, and enhanced decision-making

Day One Concludes

  • The past decade has seen the increasing influence and relevance of real-world data (RWD) and real-world evidence (RWE) in healthcare decision making
  • Hear how the value added by RWD/RWE has prompted the pharmaceutical industry to develop high performing systems and practices
  • Learn how to harness the power of evidence generated at the global and local level
  • Identify ways Gen AI can streamline and enhance RWE Evidence internally and externally

Medical affairs teams need to deeply understand their target audience, staying aware of patient demographics and healthcare provider preferences so they can select the best digital channels. What tools do you need to create engaging and relevant content while ensuring compliance with regulations and privacy laws?

  • Understand the risks and opportunities of telemedicine
  • Review successes in mobile app engagement
  • Make your outreach strategies evolve side-by-side with social media

By utilizing digital platforms and technologies, pharmaceutical and medical affairs teams can revitalize their communications and collaborations with patients, caregivers, and HCPs. Based on everything you know about your most important stakeholders, which new technologies should you prioritize?

  • Use remote educational initiatives to foster a continuous learning culture
  • Leverage data to gain a deeper understanding of HCP preferences

Recognize the potential hurdles of the medical, legal and regulatory review process

  • Understand the roles, responsibilities and function alignment
  • Learn how to present information to get approved and expedite the process
  • Explore the everchanging MLR environment and possible solutions

There are now multiple tools utilizing Artificial Intelligence and many experts have suggested ways they can improve efficiency within medical affairs. This case study reviews how specific AI tools were utilized within both HQ and field-based medical teams and how efficiency can be measured with tangible metrics and benchmark against reasonable KPIs.

  • Explore various AI tools and brainstorm how best to use them
  • Evaluate if case study AI tools would be applicable for your own organizations
  • Compare various efficiency KPIs and assess applicability to medical affairs use cases

Conference Concludes